Let me introduce myself. My name is Vicki Wootton-Champion and I have had eczema my entire life. I have limited memory of my symptoms as a very young child, but my parents have very vivid recollections of oozing skin, sleepless nights and plenty of tears - both theirs and my own.
Perhaps my first real memories of the Bitch with the Itch are from as late as junior school, where my feet became so caked in cracked, painful skin that I had significant time off and...this is the cool bit....when I finally went back, I got to sit on a chair in assembly rather than on the floor because it was more comfortable for my skin! Every cloud and all that!
I've proved every doctor wrong and haven't grown out of it since - and sadly that's not something I enjoy bragging about!
What I can brag about though, is that throughout my life, I've probably tried just about every cream and wild and wonderful treatment going, which makes me perfectly placed to offer a little wisdom to help you or a loved one navigate This Itchy Life.
Here you will find honesty, pain, humour, happiness and....perhaps...a little hope.